50 x 8 Page A6 Booklets or Brochures
Printed from customers print ready artwork on 150gsm Art paper.
Your booklet will be printed in full colour from your print ready artwork, stapled, folded and front edge trimmed to create a professional looking finished booklet or brochure.
Note: 8 pages, is as it would be numbered in a book. This product will have 2 sheets of paper, stapled and folded to make your booklet. If you are unsure on how many pages you have or need help with the design of your booklet or brochure please email us or Phone 01267 222877 Monday to Friday
Alternatively please download our A6 template here for layout guidance
Please use the file upload option below or on the checkout page to send us your file and continue to Paypal for payment.
The Technical stuff.
Please upload you file as a single pdf, with your pages as single pages in the order they are required.
i.e page1, followed by page 2 etc. Your document will need to be the correct size with 3mm bleed. If you are unsure, please email us for a free file check prior to ordering.
Please ensure your images are 300dpi at the full size for best results.
For full details on designing & saving your artwork please click here.
If you are in any way unsure please contact us on 01267 222877 Monday to Friday.
Making a pdf:
If you need to convert your file to pdf please try this site. http://convert.neevia.com/pdfconvert/
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